Monthly Archives: October 2012

Familiar with a Twist of New

We knew that as we left Ionia we would be saying goodbye to a conventional lifestyle for a while. You know – moving, setting up a new home and getting settled into a routine. It feels strange going into familiar places like LaReina’s parents or our hometown of Duvall and relying on God’s provision 100%. Instead of meeting for a wonderful evening of food and delightful conversation before heading home, we now say good night and head downstairs to sleep. Instead of getting the kids ready for the school bus and school, we gather our jackets, head out for our morning walk and settle into home school.

As we drive the streets that seemed so familiar, everything seems different. Or maybe we are. Maybe our hearts don’t see things quite the same as when we lived here last. Funny how God moves us that way.

So the new is moving every couple of days or weeks. We would love prayer for the continuous transition and protection for our family. We feel God’s love and provision through family and friends. Please join us in praying for abundant blessings for those who have stepped up to grant us shelter and food.

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.”  Hudson Taylor

“When you have nothing left but God, then for the first time you become aware that God is enough.”  Maude Royden